Today we kick off a new week full of great things for our company. We have a new website that is going live this week- Important because it showcases our carpet cleaning, rug cleaning and our upholstery cleaning and pet stain and odor removal, so that our customers better know what we offer. We have recently bought all new cleaning heads for our machines, so that we can deliver better carpet and rug cleaning, as well as gotten new sprayers for our trucks. This allows our technicians to be more effective and get more stains out.
You may notice when we arrive at your house that something is different- because it is! We have recently Put new logos and lettering on our vans, which we are very proud of. The logo and our phone number, 423-284-0493 as well as lettering that says CARPET.. RUGS… UPHOLSTERY..
Aside from this, it is business as usual. Trying to take care of our customers and continue to uphold our repuatation!
-Reece Jernigan